Highway Drainage: An In-Depth Guide to Its Importance and Implementation

Highway Drainage

Highway drainage is an essential aspect of road design and maintenance, often overlooked by the general public but critical for the longevity and safety of roadways. The effective management of water on and around highways is necessary to prevent damage to the pavement, ensure road safety, and maintain the overall structural integrity of the road network. This comprehensive guide explores the importance of highway drainage, the causes of moisture variation in sub-grade soil, and the different types of drainage systems and structures employed in highway engineering.

Table of Contents

Introduction and Importance of Highway Drainage Systems

Highway drainage refers to the system of collecting, transporting, and disposing of water from the highway surface and its surroundings. A well-designed drainage system is crucial because it helps prevent water accumulation, which can lead to various issues such as reduced skid resistance, hydroplaning, erosion, and even structural failures in the road. The primary objectives of highway drainage systems are to remove surface water efficiently, control subsurface water, and manage water flow from surrounding areas.

The importance of highway drainage cannot be overstated. Water is one of the most destructive forces that can affect roadways. When water is not properly managed, it can infiltrate the pavement layers, weaken the subgrade, and cause the pavement to crack, rut, or even collapse. In addition, standing water on the road surface poses a significant safety hazard to motorists by increasing the risk of accidents due to hydroplaning or loss of vehicle control.

Proper highway drainage extends the lifespan of the pavement, reduces maintenance costs, and enhances road safety. It also plays a critical role in environmental protection by preventing soil erosion and controlling the flow of water into natural water bodies. By ensuring that water is properly managed, engineers can design roads that are more durable, safer, and environmentally friendly.

Causes of Moisture Variation in Sub-grade Soil

The subgrade soil is the foundation of a road, and its stability is vital for the overall performance of the pavement. However, the moisture content in subgrade soil can vary due to several factors, and these variations can significantly affect the soil’s strength and stability. Understanding the causes of moisture variation is essential for designing effective drainage systems.

  1. Rainfall and Surface Runoff: One of the most common causes of moisture variation in subgrade soil is rainfall. When it rains, water can seep through the pavement layers and reach the subgrade. If the drainage system is inadequate, water can accumulate in the subgrade, leading to an increase in moisture content. Surface runoff, which is water that flows over the land surface, can also contribute to moisture variation if it is not properly managed.
  2. Capillary Action: Capillary action refers to the movement of water through small pores in the soil due to surface tension. This phenomenon can cause water from the groundwater table to rise into the subgrade soil, increasing its moisture content. Capillary action is particularly problematic in fine-grained soils, such as silts and clays, where the small pore sizes allow water to move upward more easily.
  3. Poor Drainage Systems: Inadequate or poorly designed drainage systems can lead to water accumulation in the subgrade soil. If the drainage system does not effectively remove water from the pavement surface or subsurface layers, water can infiltrate the subgrade and cause an increase in moisture content. Over time, this can weaken the subgrade and lead to pavement failures.
  4. Irrigation and Landscaping: Water from irrigation systems or landscaping activities near the highway can seep into the subgrade soil, leading to variations in moisture content. This is particularly common in areas where the highway is adjacent to agricultural fields, parks, or other landscaped areas.

Surface Drainage System

The surface drainage system is the first line of defense against water-related issues on highways. It is designed to collect and remove water from the road surface and the surrounding area, preventing water from accumulating and causing damage. Surface drainage systems typically include roadside drains, cross drainage structures, and energy dissipating structures.

Different Types of Roadside Drains

Roadside drains are channels or ditches located along the sides of the highway, designed to collect and convey surface water away from the road. There are several types of roadside drains, each with its own advantages and applications:

  1. V-Shaped Drains: V-shaped drains are simple and effective channels that are commonly used in rural areas. These drains have a V-shaped cross-section, which allows them to collect runoff from the road surface and channel it away from the road. V-shaped drains are easy to construct and maintain, making them a popular choice for highways in areas with low traffic volumes.
  2. Rectangular Drains: Rectangular drains are typically used in urban areas with concrete or asphalt surfaces. These drains have a rectangular cross-section and are often lined with concrete to provide a smooth and durable surface for water flow. Rectangular drains are effective at controlling water flow in areas with high traffic volumes and are often integrated into curbs or sidewalks.
  3. U-Shaped Drains: U-shaped drains are ideal for highways with steep slopes, where the volume of runoff can be significant. These drains have a U-shaped cross-section, which allows them to handle large volumes of water and prevent erosion. U-shaped drains are often lined with concrete or other materials to enhance their durability and effectiveness.
  4. Trapezoidal Drains: Trapezoidal drains are designed for high-flow conditions, making them suitable for highways with significant runoff. These drains have a trapezoidal cross-section, which provides a larger flow capacity compared to V-shaped or rectangular drains. Trapezoidal drains are often used in areas where the highway is subject to heavy rainfall or where the surrounding terrain channels large amounts of water towards the road.

Cross Drainage Structures (Culverts and Others)

Cross drainage structures are essential components of highway drainage systems, designed to direct water from one side of the highway to the other without disrupting traffic or compromising the road’s stability. These structures include culverts, bridges, and box culverts, each serving a specific purpose depending on the volume of water and the topography of the area.

  1. Culverts: Culverts are small structures that allow water to pass under the road, typically used to manage small streams and surface water flow. Culverts are usually made of concrete, steel, or plastic and come in various shapes, including circular, elliptical, and rectangular. The choice of material and shape depends on factors such as the volume of water, the soil type, and the road’s traffic load. Culverts are an essential component of highway drainage systems, as they prevent water from accumulating on the road surface and protect the pavement structure from erosion and water damage.
  2. Bridges: Bridges are used to span larger bodies of water, such as rivers or large streams, where a culvert would not be sufficient to manage the flow. Bridges allow water to flow freely beneath the road, preventing it from affecting the road structure. In addition to their drainage function, bridges also provide critical infrastructure for crossing significant water bodies, ensuring that highways remain passable even in areas with challenging topography.
  3. Box Culverts: Box culverts are larger than standard culverts and are used in areas with higher water flow or where the road must cross a significant water body. These structures are typically made of reinforced concrete and have a rectangular or square cross-section. Box culverts are designed to handle larger volumes of water and are often used in areas with frequent flooding or heavy rainfall. They provide a robust and durable solution for managing water flow across highways.

Different Types of Energy Dissipating Structures

Energy dissipating structures are used in highway drainage systems to reduce the velocity of water flow, preventing erosion and damage to the drainage system. These structures are particularly important at the outlets of culverts, channels, or other drainage structures, where water can exit with high velocity.

  1. Stilling Basins: Stilling basins are designed to slow down water exiting a culvert or channel, reducing its energy before it enters a natural watercourse. These basins are typically constructed of concrete and include features such as baffles or drop structures to dissipate the energy of the flowing water. Stilling basins are commonly used at the outlets of large culverts or stormwater outfalls to prevent erosion and protect the downstream environment.
  2. Riprap: Riprap is a layer of large stones or concrete blocks placed at the outlet of a drainage structure to absorb energy and prevent erosion. Riprap is often used in conjunction with stilling basins or other energy dissipating structures to provide additional protection against erosion. The size and type of riprap used depend on factors such as the flow velocity, the type of soil, and the potential for erosion.
  3. Drop Structures: Drop structures are used to lower the elevation of water within a channel, helping to control the velocity and reduce erosion. These structures typically consist of a series of steps or drops that allow water to flow down gradually, dissipating energy at each step. Drop structures are often used in steep channels or areas where the elevation change is significant, providing a controlled way to manage water flow and prevent erosion.
  4. Check Dams: Check dams are small, temporary structures built across channels to slow down water flow and reduce erosion. These dams are typically made of rocks, logs, or other materials and are used in areas where the flow velocity needs to be controlled temporarily. Check dams are often used during construction or in areas where the channel needs to be stabilized until permanent drainage structures can be installed.

Subsurface Drainage System

While surface drainage systems manage water on the road surface and surrounding area, subsurface drainage systems are designed to control water that infiltrates the pavement structure. Subsurface drainage is crucial for maintaining the stability and integrity of the road by preventing water from reaching the subgrade and causing damage.

Drainage of Infiltrated Water

Subsurface drainage systems are designed to manage water that infiltrates the pavement structure, preventing it from reaching the subgrade and compromising the road’s stability. The primary components of subsurface drainage systems include perforated pipes, drainage layers, and filters, all working together to collect, transport, and discharge infiltrated water.

  1. Perforated Pipes: Perforated pipes, also known as subsurface drains, are buried beneath the road surface and are designed to collect water that infiltrates the pavement. These pipes have small holes or slots that allow water to enter the pipe while filtering out soil particles. Once inside the pipe, the water is transported away from the road structure and discharged into a suitable outlet, such as a roadside drain or natural watercourse. Perforated pipes are typically made of materials such as PVC, concrete, or metal, depending on the design requirements and environmental conditions.
  2. Drainage Layers: Drainage layers are an integral part of subsurface drainage systems, providing a pathway for water to flow towards the perforated pipes. These layers are typically composed of coarse granular materials, such as gravel or crushed stone, that allow water to move freely while providing support to the pavement structure. Drainage layers are often placed directly beneath the pavement base course and above the subgrade, ensuring that any water that infiltrates the pavement is quickly removed before it can cause damage.
  3. Filters: Filters are used in subsurface drainage systems to prevent soil particles from entering the drainage layers or perforated pipes. These filters can be made of geotextiles or natural materials, such as sand or gravel, and are placed around the drainage layers or pipes. By filtering out fine particles, filters help maintain the efficiency of the drainage system and prevent clogging, which could lead to water accumulation and potential damage to the pavement structure.

Control of Seepage Flow

Seepage flow refers to the movement of water through soil layers, which can cause issues such as soil erosion, instability, and the weakening of the road structure. Subsurface drainage systems are designed to control seepage flow, preventing it from affecting the road and its surroundings.

  1. Cutoff Drains: Cutoff drains are subsurface structures designed to intercept and redirect seepage water away from the road. These drains are typically placed at the interface between the road embankment and the natural ground or along the edges of the roadway where seepage is expected. Cutoff drains prevent water from seeping into the subgrade or other critical areas, ensuring that the pavement structure remains dry and stable.
  2. Horizontal Drains: Horizontal drains are perforated pipes or drainage layers installed horizontally within the road embankment or slope to control seepage flow. These drains collect and transport seepage water to a suitable outlet, preventing it from reaching the subgrade or causing erosion. Horizontal drains are particularly effective in areas with high groundwater levels or steep slopes, where seepage flow can pose a significant risk to road stability.
  3. Wick Drains: Wick drains are vertical or inclined drains used to accelerate the consolidation of soft, saturated soils by providing a pathway for water to escape. These drains are made of synthetic materials and are installed in a grid pattern within the soil. As the water is removed, the soil consolidates and strengthens, reducing the risk of settlement and improving the stability of the road. Wick drains are often used in areas with soft clay or other compressible soils, where traditional drainage methods may not be sufficient to control seepage flow.

Lowering of Water Table

The water table is the upper level of groundwater in the soil, and its proximity to the road can significantly affect the stability and performance of the pavement. In areas with high water tables, subsurface drainage systems are used to lower the water table, preventing water from reaching the subgrade and causing damage.

  1. Deep Wells: Deep wells are vertical structures drilled into the ground to lower the water table by pumping out groundwater. These wells are often used in areas with high groundwater levels or where other drainage methods are insufficient. By lowering the water table, deep wells help prevent water from infiltrating the subgrade, reducing the risk of pavement failure and prolonging the life of the road.
  2. Interceptor Drains: Interceptor drains are subsurface drains installed along the sides of the road or at the base of slopes to intercept and remove groundwater before it can reach the road structure. These drains are typically connected to perforated pipes or drainage layers, which collect and transport the water to a suitable outlet. Interceptor drains are particularly effective in areas with high water tables or where groundwater flow is a concern.
  3. Relief Wells: Relief wells are similar to deep wells but are used specifically to relieve pressure in confined aquifers beneath the road. These wells allow water to escape from the aquifer, reducing the pressure and preventing water from rising into the subgrade. Relief wells are often used in conjunction with other drainage systems to manage high water tables and ensure the stability of the road.

Control of Capillary Rise

Capillary rise is the upward movement of water through soil due to surface tension. This phenomenon can cause water to move from the groundwater table into the subgrade, leading to an increase in moisture content and a reduction in soil strength. Controlling capillary rise is essential for maintaining the stability and performance of the road.

  1. Capillary Break Layers: Capillary break layers are layers of coarse granular material, such as gravel or sand, placed beneath the pavement structure to interrupt the upward movement of water. These layers have large pore spaces that prevent capillary action, effectively stopping water from reaching the subgrade. Capillary break layers are an important component of subsurface drainage systems, particularly in areas with fine-grained soils that are prone to capillary rise.
  2. Geotextiles: Geotextiles are synthetic fabrics used in subsurface drainage systems to control capillary rise by acting as a barrier between the soil and the pavement structure. These materials prevent fine soil particles from migrating into the drainage layers while allowing water to flow through. By controlling capillary rise, geotextiles help maintain the moisture content of the subgrade and prevent damage to the pavement structure.
  3. Drainage Blankets: Drainage blankets are layers of free-draining material, such as sand or gravel, placed beneath the pavement structure to control capillary rise and promote the flow of water away from the road. These blankets are often used in conjunction with other drainage systems, such as perforated pipes or drainage layers, to provide comprehensive protection against capillary rise. Drainage blankets are particularly effective in areas with high groundwater levels or where the soil is prone to capillary action.

FAQs About Highway Drainage Systems

Why is highway drainage important? Highway drainage is critical for preventing water-related damage to roads, ensuring road safety, and maintaining the structural integrity of the pavement. Proper drainage systems help remove surface water, control subsurface water, and manage water flow from surrounding areas, extending the lifespan of the road and reducing maintenance costs.

What are the main components of a highway drainage system? A highway drainage system typically includes surface drainage elements, such as roadside drains, cross drainage structures (culverts and bridges), and energy dissipating structures, as well as subsurface drainage components like perforated pipes, drainage layers, and filters.

How does surface drainage differ from subsurface drainage? Surface drainage systems manage water on the road surface and surrounding area, preventing water accumulation and erosion. Subsurface drainage systems, on the other hand, control water that infiltrates the pavement structure, preventing it from reaching the subgrade and causing damage.

What causes moisture variation in subgrade soil? Moisture variation in subgrade soil can be caused by factors such as rainfall, capillary action, poor drainage systems, and water from irrigation or landscaping activities. These variations can affect the soil’s strength and stability, leading to potential pavement failures.

How do perforated pipes work in subsurface drainage systems? Perforated pipes are buried beneath the road surface and collect infiltrated water through small holes or slots. The water is then transported away from the road structure and discharged into a suitable outlet, preventing it from reaching the subgrade and causing damage.

What are cutoff drains and how do they help control seepage flow? Cutoff drains are subsurface structures that intercept and redirect seepage water away from the road. They are typically placed at the interface between the road embankment and the natural ground or along the edges of the roadway, preventing water from seeping into the subgrade or other critical areas.

Why is it necessary to lower the water table in highway drainage systems? Lowering the water table is necessary to prevent water from reaching the subgrade and compromising the road’s stability. High water tables can lead to increased moisture content in the subgrade, weakening the soil and potentially causing pavement failures.

How can capillary rise affect a highway, and what measures are used to control it? Capillary rise can cause water to move from the groundwater table into the subgrade, leading to increased moisture content and a reduction in soil strength. Measures such as capillary break layers, geotextiles, and drainage blankets are used to control capillary rise and protect the pavement structure.

What role do energy dissipating structures play in highway drainage? Energy dissipating structures, such as stilling basins, riprap, and drop structures, reduce the velocity of water flow, preventing erosion and damage to the drainage system. These structures are particularly important at the outlets of culverts, channels, or other drainage structures.

How do interceptor drains help manage groundwater in highway drainage systems? Interceptor drains are subsurface drains installed along the sides of the road or at the base of slopes to intercept and remove groundwater before it can reach the road structure. These drains help manage high water tables and prevent groundwater from affecting the stability of the road.


Highway drainage is a fundamental aspect of road design and maintenance , crucial for ensuring the longevity, safety, and performance of roadways. A well-designed drainage system effectively manages both surface and subsurface water, preventing issues such as erosion, pavement deterioration, and safety hazards. By understanding the different components and systems involved in highway drainage, engineers can design and implement solutions that protect the road infrastructure from the destructive effects of water.

From surface drainage systems that manage runoff and prevent water accumulation, to subsurface systems that control infiltrated water and groundwater, each element of highway drainage plays a vital role in maintaining the stability and functionality of the road. The importance of addressing moisture variation in subgrade soil, controlling seepage flow, lowering the water table, and preventing capillary rise cannot be overstated. These factors directly impact the structural integrity of the road and its ability to withstand the forces of nature over time.

In conclusion, highway drainage is not just a technical necessity but a crucial aspect of sustainable road construction and maintenance. By investing in robust drainage systems, engineers can ensure that roads remain safe, durable, and reliable for years to come, ultimately benefiting the communities and economies they serve. Understanding and implementing the principles of effective highway drainage is essential for anyone involved in the design, construction, or maintenance of roadways.

Top 20 MCQs About Highway Drainage

1. Which of the following is the primary purpose of a highway drainage system?

  • A) To increase the road’s load-bearing capacity
  • B) To prevent water accumulation and erosion (Correct Answer)
  • C) To enhance road aesthetics
  • D) To reduce construction costs

2. What is the function of roadside drains in a highway drainage system?

  • A) To collect and remove surface water (Correct Answer)
  • B) To increase traffic flow
  • C) To provide a barrier between lanes
  • D) To reduce noise pollution

3. Which of the following is NOT a type of cross drainage structure?

  • A) Culvert
  • B) Bridge
  • C) Weir (Correct Answer)
  • D) Arch

4. Surface drainage systems primarily aim to manage which type of water?

  • A) Groundwater
  • B) Surface runoff (Correct Answer)
  • C) Infiltrated water
  • D) Seepage water

5. What is the main cause of moisture variation in subgrade soil?

  • A) Traffic load
  • B) Temperature changes
  • C) Poor drainage systems (Correct Answer)
  • D) Vegetation growth

6. Energy dissipating structures are used in highway drainage to:

  • A) Increase water flow velocity
  • B) Reduce water flow velocity (Correct Answer)
  • C) Improve water quality
  • D) Divert water flow

7. Which material is typically used for perforated pipes in subsurface drainage?

  • A) Concrete
  • B) Wood
  • C) PVC (Correct Answer)
  • D) Asphalt

8. Capillary rise refers to:

  • A) The downward movement of water through soil
  • B) The upward movement of water through soil (Correct Answer)
  • C) Water collecting in drainage ditches
  • D) The lateral movement of water

9. The primary purpose of drainage layers in subsurface drainage is:

  • A) To increase pavement thickness
  • B) To collect and transport infiltrated water (Correct Answer)
  • C) To improve road aesthetics
  • D) To reduce construction time

10. Which of the following is NOT a method used to lower the water table?

  • A) Deep wells
  • B) Interceptor drains
  • C) Capillary rise (Correct Answer)
  • D) Relief wells

11. What is the role of geotextiles in a highway drainage system?

  • A) To support heavy traffic loads
  • B) To filter out soil particles (Correct Answer)
  • C) To increase pavement flexibility
  • D) To enhance road surface texture

12. Which type of drain is used to intercept and redirect seepage water away from the road?

  • A) Cross drain
  • B) Cutoff drain (Correct Answer)
  • C) Perforated pipe
  • D) Drainage blanket

13. What does a capillary break layer prevent?

  • A) Horizontal water movement
  • B) Vertical water movement (Correct Answer)
  • C) Surface runoff
  • D) Subsurface drainage

14. Subsurface drainage systems are primarily used to manage which type of water?

  • A) Surface runoff
  • B) Groundwater (Correct Answer)
  • C) Rainfall
  • D) River water

15. Horizontal drains are typically used to control which of the following?

  • A) Surface water
  • B) Seepage flow (Correct Answer)
  • C) Pavement temperature
  • D) Traffic congestion

16. Relief wells are installed to:

  • A) Lower the water table (Correct Answer)
  • B) Raise the water table
  • C) Collect surface runoff
  • D) Increase soil moisture

17. Which structure is used to prevent erosion at the outlets of culverts?

  • A) Bridge
  • B) Energy dissipating structure (Correct Answer)
  • C) Retaining wall
  • D) Guardrail

18. Interceptor drains are designed to:

  • A) Increase road surface friction
  • B) Collect and remove groundwater (Correct Answer)
  • C) Provide support to the pavement
  • D) Redirect traffic

19. What is the function of a drainage blanket?

  • A) To support heavy loads
  • B) To control capillary rise and promote water flow (Correct Answer)
  • C) To improve road visibility
  • D) To reduce noise pollution

20. Cutoff drains are installed primarily at:

  • A) Road intersections
  • B) The interface between road embankments and natural ground (Correct Answer)
  • C) The top of the pavement
  • D) Road shoulders

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